The Pentecost Phoenix Peter C Chynoweth May-19-2013
The Pentecost Phoenix
Pentecost Sunday - Year C Sunday, May 19, 2013
Let us pray: May these words be yours not mine, O God. Amen.
Betsy stood and watched, tears flowing down her cheeks just as they were for everyone who stood there at a safe distance, but still close enough for the cooling effect of the flames even though the heat was intense. Cooling because almost a century of memories was going up in flames. It was a strange feeling to have such a sense of heartbreaking loss tied so closely to the warmth of dancing flames.
This is not what they had in mind in all the planning for the wind and fire of Pentecost. It was supposed to be a suitable party celebration complete with red cloth draping the chancel area, and streamers strategically placed by open windows and forced air vents to accentuate the image of wind as they danced and fluttered to bring life to the worship space.
They had been in the church building just the night before. Was it something they had done, or not done? Had they left a door open for a fire-curious intruder?
Those were all questions that would have to be answered in the days and weeks to follow.
Some of the congregation members who lived closest to the church building had heard the sirens and looking out their windows as the sirens got closer, were shocked to see flames shooting out through the roof. Quickly the call had gone out our church is on fire and soon just about everyone who would have gathered there only a few hours later was standing and watching as the firefighters tried their best to save the building. It soon became apparent however, that this was going to be an exercise in protecting other buildings in the neighbourhood because the church building was already too involved to hope that it could be salvaged.
And so Betsy and all the others just stood and watched as the place where children had been baptised, the offspring of marriages that were also celebrated in this beautiful church sanctuary, and where countless community gatherings had taken place. This place was full to overflowing with memories and holy moments. And they were all going up in flames.
St. Luke's had always been a place of energy and creativity. In the bustling 50's it was the place where numerous community organizations had found their start. Some were faith based, but others had simply used the space provided by St. Luke's for their organizational meetings. Many generations of children in the community had attended day care and play school within its walls. A couple of decades ago it had bucked the trend of dwindling congregation size with programs designed to bring people in for yoga classes, English as a second language class, computer classes for seniors and send them out with the original food bank in their community, a self-help program for new Canadians and the local chapter of Kairos the inter-church social justice and development organization. Several key members of the local Amnesty International committee claimed St. Luke's as their spiritual home, and you could not go around the town without running into busy people who would run into other busy people all claiming St. Luke's as the place where their passions were fed, their love for humankind was nurtured and their desire to be faithful servants in the body of Christ was affirmed.
Lately, however, it had fallen into some of the same patterns that churches all across the country were facing. Increasing costs to maintain the church building along with fewer contributing members. Some of the key people from previous decades had retired and while the financial support of the congregation was still relatively strong, fixed incomes and a lower influx of younger members meant that the budgets were always a bit tighter every year.
In addition, a community that had spawned so many important leaders in the town outside the church walls, was starting to see a change in their own leadership. It was just a bit harder to find people to fill the positions. They had actually had good natured elections in the past for some of the key board positions. No hard feelings, but there had been some competing ideas for church direction that had played themselves out at an annual meeting with friendly rivals seeking to further their vision as board chair.
They were nowhere close to packing it all in that decision was still a few years away. Some people refused to believe that they would ever be there yes, there were some depressing trends, but they had weathered bad times before. Yes, the church as a whole was experiencing hard times, but St. Luke's had always been different. Many of them believed that determined effort, focussed programs, courageous outreach and their strong history would help them going forward. And most of all they were a community that believed in hope the hope that God promised, and which had always been there before.
All of this was mostly an unstated backdrop as the gathered community watched the symbol of their community go up in flames. They watched as the firefighters focussed their efforts on the houses to the south side of the building as the flames and embers, blown by a healthy wind, threatened to spread the fire across the street. Occasionally, someone, through their sobbing tears would conjure up memories of some important event a Christmas Eve service, the day that the congregation had welcomed their sponsored refugee family to Canada, the big party when they had unveiled their outside public art as they celebrated becoming an affirming ministry.
Even on the day they lost their church, there were growing murmurings that the church was not a building, but the people. They had gathered later that day for a hastily arranged service of thanksgiving yes, thanksgiving no one had died. No one was even hurt. No other houses were lost to fire. And they had insurance. Thank goodness for wise management that had made sure of that.
The task now was to consider what the future would look like. The first chorus with quite a few members joining in was to start rebuilding as soon as possible. Make it similar to the old building, but with lots of modern day additions fire suppression and energy saving and energy generating ideas. Some of them were already imagining what an array of solar panels would look like on the roof and what no-water and low flush toilets would work like in the washrooms.
Others, however, wanted to seize the opportunity of an unfortunately provided reset button to completely re-vision the ministry and presence of St. Luke's in the community. Perhaps they didn't need a building they certainly weren't going to have one for a while anyway. Maybe the forced occupation of rented or donated space would give them an idea and a vision of something completely different.
Some of them recalled wistful conversations from recent board meetings that were now made more urgent conversations about congregational retreats to consider their future and mission, conversations that were sparked by their participation in the review that the whole church was doing.
Well, I wish I could tell you what happened at St. Luke's, but I can't. The church is always a work in progress and some time the work is what's important before you can see any progress. What I do know is that a Pentecostal fire taught the people of St. Luke's some important things it taught them that their reach in the community was much wider than they had ever thought. They were impressed beyond measure by the range and depth of assistance that came forward after their fire from people making offers to help them in so many ways from every walk of life, with every skill and ability. This was critical in their rising to new life in the community they made a determined and well planned effort to make sure that community needs were considered as they made their plans to rise again. They realized that they could not stop at polling congregation members and adherents that many more people considered St. Luke's to be their church even though they had never said so, and probably never would have said so if not for the Pentecost fire. And the St. Luke's people the ones who were there on a regular basis made sure that they included those other St. Luke's people as they developed a plan for the future. The one thing they did agree on, and that was a name, a name that told of their connection with the past, but also about their future, in whatever direction it took:
The St. Luke's Centre for Spiritual Health and Justice: A community of caring and faith.
Let us pray: O God, may the wind and fire of your presence blow through the church that we may be able to learn who and what we are and who and what we should be and that we should learn even, if necessary, in the hard way that the St. Luke's people had to face but that we should learn the path you would have us walk! Amen. © 2013
On Brokenness: Buildings, Relationships and Walls May-12-2013
Seventh Sunday after Easter Year C
Everything is on the Table May-5-2013
Sixth Sunday of Easter Year C
Outward Bound Apr-28-2013
Fifth Sunday of Easter Year C
The One Who Was Overlooked Apr-14-2013
Thin Lines, Thin Walls, Thin Places? Apr-07-2013
A Soul Full of Joy Mar-31-2013
Easter Sunday - Year C
Father and Son: A Dialogue from Among the Crowd Mar-24-2013
Palm/Passion Sunday - Year C
Get Ready Mar-17-2013
Coming Home II - The Sequel Mar-10-2013
Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C
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Third Sunday of Lent - Year C
Are We There Yet? Feb-17-2013
First Sunday of Lent - Year C
Deeply Aware of God Feb-10-2013
Transfiguration Sunday - Year C
Between a Rock and a Hard Place Feb-03-2013
Epiphany 4 - Year C
Coming Home Jan-27-2013
Third after Epiphany - Year C
Out of the Blue? Jan-20-2013
Epiphany 2 - Year C
Changed from the Inside Out Jan-13-2013
Baptism of Jesus Year C
On Having the Light Go On Jan-6-2013
Magnified Light, Magnified God Dec-24-2012
How Small Is Your God? Dec-24-2012
And the Greatest of these Dec-23-2012
Suddenly at Peace Dec-9-2012
Advent Two - Year C
Hope in the Most Unexpected of Places Dec-2-2012
Advent One - Year C
Where does your authority come from? Jan-29-2012
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Year B
The Summons Jan-15-2012
Second Sunday after Epiphany Year B
First this Jan-8-2012
Baptism of Jesus Sunday - Year B
What has God revealed to us? Dec-24-2011
Late Christmas Eve 2011
Let the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice! Dec-24-2011
Early Christmas Eve 2011
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy.... Dec-11-2011
Third Sunday of Advent Year B
I would just like a little peace... Dec-04-2011
Second Sunday of Advent Year B
I Can Hardly Wait... Nov-27-2011
First Sunday of Advent Year B
Cosmic Christ, Historical Jesus, Servant, King ... Nov-20-2011
Reign of Christ Sunday Year A
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Reflection on the Occasion of a Worship Service prepared and offered by the Affirm Study Group of Yellowknife United Church - Reflection by Kathy Burns
Words of Remembrance - 2011 Nov-6-2011
Remembrance Sunday - 2011
Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost Year A, Remembrance Sunday
En Route with Ordinary Saints Oct-30-2011
Divine Dialogue Oct-16-2011
Eighteenth after Pentecost Year A
Well, think again.... Oct-9-2011
Thanksgiving Sunday - Year A
Flowing from Gratitude to Grace Sep-25-2011
River Sunday Season of Creation
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Call of the Wild Sep-18-2011
Third Sunday in the Season of Creation Year A
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
Grounded Sep-11-2011
Second Sunday in the Season of Creation Land Sunday
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Season of Creation Part One Sep-4-2011
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Year A, First Sunday in the Season of Creation - Year A
TANSTAAFL July-31-2011
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Well-trained in God's Kin_dom July-24-2011
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
In the Wee Hours July-17-2011
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Family Functions Jul-10-2011
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Now They Tell Me! June -5-2011
Seventh Sunday of Easter Year A
Between a Rock and a Hard Place May-22-2011
Fifth Sunday of Easter Year A
Holding Everything in Common May-15-2011
Fourth Sunday of Easter Year A
Thomas the Tactile May-1-2011
Second Sunday of Easter Year A
Hallelujah Anyway! Apr-24-2011
Easter Sunday - Year A
Introduction to the Liturgy of the Palms Apr-17-2011
Palm/Passion Sunday - Year A
Drybones Apr-10-2011
Fourth Sunday of Lent Year A
You are asking the wrong question... Apr-03-2011
You are asking the wrong question...
Is that grumbling or constructive criticism?
Third Sunday of Lent Year A
On Comings In and Goings Out Mar-20-2011
Second Sunday of Lent Year A
Into the _________ (fill in the blank) Mar-13-2011
First Sunday of Lent Year A
Thin Air Thin Place Mar-06-2011
Transfiguration Sunday Year A
First Things First Feb-27-2011
Eighth Sunday after Epiphany Year A
Let us build a house Feb-20-2011
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany Year A
I Set Before You Life and Death: Choose Life! Jan-30-2011
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Masquerading as the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Light Shining on Light Jan-23-2011
Third Sunday after Epiphany Year A
God-Revealer Jan-16-2011
Second Sunday after Epiphany Year A
God Plays No Favourites! Jan-09-2011
First Sunday after Epiphany Year A
Second Sunday of Christmas Celebrated as Epiphany Sunday Year A
Going Viral Dec-12-2010
Third Sunday of Advent Year A
A Shared Advent Journey Dec-05-2010
Second Sunday of Advent Year A
The Information Portal and The Transportation Network Nov-28-2010
First Sunday of Advent Year A
New Heaven, New Earth? Nov-14-2010
Twenty-fifth after Pentecost
The Way I 'See It' by Zacchaeus Oct-31-2010
Twenty-third after Pentecost
Thanks for the Journey; Thanks for the Destination Oct-10-2010
Thanksgiving Sunday October 10, 2010
All That We Need? Oct-3-2010
Nineteenth after Pentecost Year C
For the love of ... Sep-26-2010
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year C
Shrewd and Subversive Sep-19-2010
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Year C
Shape Shifting for a New Age Sep-5-2010
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year C
Taking up with Sir Windbag Aug-29-2010
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Year C
Be Prepared Aug-8-2010
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Year C
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Jul-18-2010
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Year C
Tell Me the Old, Old Story Jul-11-2010
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Year C
Ancestors and Descendants Jun-27-2010
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - Year C
Singing Our Future Jun-6-2010
85th Anniversary Worship Service Northern Lights Presbytery Grande Prairie, Alberta
Holy Numbers May-30-2010
Trinity Sunday - 1st Sunday after Pentecost Year C
Earth Wind and Fire May-23-2010
Pentecost Sunday Year C
On Security Blankets May-9-2010
Sixth Sunday of Easter Year C
Open Doors, But No Crowds May-2-2010
Fifth Sunday of Easter Year C
Weaving Holy Conversations Apr-25-2010
Fourth Sunday of Easter Year C
Wanted: Another Road to Damascus Apr-18-2010
Third Sunday of Easter Year C
The Big Questions Apr-11-2010
Second Sunday of Easter - Year C
We don't know where they've put him! Apr-4-2010
Easter Sunday Year C
The Bad and Good of 'Good Friday' Apr-2-2010
Good Friday Year C
Going Home Mar-14-2010
Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C
Doubling Back on the Road Mar-07-2010
Third Sunday of Lent Year C
Travel Essentials Feb-21-2010
First Sunday of Lent Year C
Living at the Intersection of Whoa! and Ho Hum Feb-14-2010
Transfiguration Sunday Year C
T.Y.F.S. Feb-7-2010
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Year C
This Day the Scripture is Fulfilled in your hearing Jan-24-2010
Third Sunday after Epiphany - Year C
We Give You But Your Own Jan-17-2010
Second Sunday after Epiphany Year C
You are my beloved one, with you I am well pleased Jan-10-2010
Baptism of Jesus - Year C
Northern Light Jan-03-2010
Epiphany Sunday/Second Sunday of Christmas
Cross and Stable, Path and Table Dec-24-2009
Christmas Eve Communion 2009
Peace on Earth, Good Will to All Dec-24-2009
Christmas Eve 2009 (Early)
Embodied Love Dec-20-2009
Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C
Embodied Peace Dec-6-2009
Second Sunday of Advent Year C
Embodied Hope Dec-06-2009
First Sunday of Advent Year C
United for Peace Nov-1-2009
Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost Year B
The Most Important Thing Nov-1-2009
Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost Year B
With Eyes Wide Shut Oct-25-2009
Twenty-first after Pentecost Year B
Ev'ry Day is a Day of Thanksgiving Oct-11-09
Thanksgiving Sunday
This isnt going to be easy... Oct-4-2009
Eighteenth after Pentecost - Year B
How Far Would We Go? Sep-27-2009
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Year B
Bring Many Names Sep-13-2009
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Year B
Open Sep-6-2009
Fourteenth after Pentecost - Year B
Open and Vulnerable Jun-28-2009
Fourth after Pentecost Proper 8 - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Love and Fear Ju-21-2009
Third Sunday after Pentecost - Year B
National Aboriginal Day
How can we picture Gods Kin-dom? Jun-14-2009
Second Sunday after Pentecost - Year B
The Annual Meeting May-31-2009
Pentecost Sunday - Year B
Live Love May-17-2009
Sixth Sunday of Easter Year B
The Ties that Bind May-10-2009
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Christian Family Sunday - Mothers Day
The Gathering May-3-2009
Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B
Let Me God, Be Open April-26-2009
Third Sunday after Easter Year B
Peace Be Upon You. Look at My Wounds Apr-19-2009
Second Sunday of Easter Year B
Exploding with Good News Apr-12-2009
Easter Sunday - Year B
Jerusalem, Jerusalem Apr-05-2009
Palm/Passion Sunday Year B
Whats In a Name? Mar-08-2009
Second Sunday of Lent - Year B
A Pre-Lenten Summit Feb-22-2009
Transfiguration Sunday - Year B
The Healing Touch Feb-15-2009
Sixth after Epiphany Year B
Take Time to Make Time Feb-8-2009
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Year B
Speaking of Prophets Feb-01-2009
Fourth after Epiphany - Year B
Urgent and Constant Jan-18-2009
Second Sunday after Epiphany Year B
In the beginning... Jan-11-2009
Baptism of Jesus - Year B
God Bless Us Everyone Dec-24-2008
Christmas Eve Communion - December 24, 2008
This is what you are to look for... Dec-24-2008
Christmas Eve Early - December 24, 2008
Listening and Waiting for Peace Dec-07-2008
Second Sunday of Advent - Year B
Waiting, Looking and Hoping Nov-30-2008
First Sunday of Advent - Year B
Oh No, Now What Am I Supposed to Do? Nov-16-2008
Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
Onward Christian Peacemakers Nov-09-2008
Twenty-Sixth after Pentecost - Year A
You Servants of God Nov-02-2008
Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
A Commanding View Oct-26-2008
Twenty-fourth after Pentecost - Year A
Another Parable of the Talents Oct-20-2008
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
Northern Harvest, Northern Thanks Oct-12-2008
Thanksgiving Sunday - Year A
Dos and Donts of World Community Oct-05-2008
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
Miracles and Right Relationships Karen LeGresley Hamre Sep-28-2008
Twentieth after Pentecost - Year A
Just Enough Sep-21-2008
Nineteenth after Pentecost - Year A
The Water is Wide (and Deep!) Sep-14-2008
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
Leading from the Middle Aug-31-2008
Sixteenth after Pentecost - Year A
Rocks and Pillars Aug-24-2008
Fifteenth after Pentecost - Year A
Getting Away from it All: Not! Aug-03-2008
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
Together at Table July-20-2008
Tenth after Pentecost - Year A
Broken Relationships Jun-22-2008
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
June 1 Meditation - Bruce Friesen Pankratz Bruce Friesen Pankratz
Third after Pentecost - Year A
Three in One, One in Three: Creator May-18-2008
Trinity Sunday - Year A
Whoosh and Crackle May-11-2008
Pentecost Sunday - Year A
A Community of Prayer May-4-2008
Seventh Sunday after Easter - Year A
The Friendly Ghost Apr-27-2008
Sixth Sunday after Easter - Year A
Of Sheep and Shepherds Apr-13-2008
Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year A
An outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace Apr - 6 -2008
Third Sunday of Easter - Year A
Signs of Resurrection March 30 - 2008
Second Sunday of Easter - Year A
That's the Message Mar-23-2008
Easter Sunday - Year A
Comforting Stop or Subversive Sojourn Mar-09-2008
Fifth Sunday of Lent - Year A
Desert Waters Feb-24-2008
Third Sunday of Lent - Year A
Deh Cho Reflections Feb-17-2008
Second Sunday in Lent - Year A
An Upside Down Map and a Broken Compass Feb-10-2008
First Sunday of Lent - Year A
Into Thin Air Feb-03-2008
Transfiguration Sunday - Year A
Reflection by Jaime Friesen-Pankratz Jaime Friesen-Pankratz Jan-27-2008
Third Sunday after Epiphany - Year A
Reflection by Kathy Burns Kathy Burns Jan-20-2008
Second Sunday after Epiphany - Year A
Signed by the Spirit Jan-13-2008
Baptism of Jesus - Year A
Where is the Light for You? Jan-06-2008
Epiphany - Year A
For a Child has been Born for Us Dec-24-2007
Christmas Eve Late Service 2007
This will be a sign for you... Dec-24-2007
Christmas Eve Early Service 2007
Waiting with Love Dec-23-2007
Fourth of Advent - Year A
Waiting with Peace Dec-9-2007
Second Sunday of Advent - Year A
Waiting with Hope Dec-2-2007
First Sunday of Advent - Year A
Looking for Jesus, High and Low Nov-25-2007
Reign of Christ - Year C