Yellowknife United Church


We're glad you stopped by. This page is primarily intended for young people who have a connection with Yellowknife United Church and are away from home in attendance at a post-secondary educational centre.

One of the ways you can stay connected with us, is through the Newsletter that we publish about three or four times a year. The latest edition can be found at:

The United Church of Canada has a number of chaplains at various collleges and universities around the country. You can find out about chaplaincy through the church website. Here's a link:

Have you heard about Wondercafe? It's a place where lively discussion takes place about spirituality and other issues considered from a faith perspective. It's a good place to ask questions and find people who share a common interest in issues of faith from a progressive and open point of view.

Just in case you don't have enough reading, the United Church Observer is an award winning magazine which deals with interesting and important issues from a faith perspective. In the latest issue, Yellowknife gets a mention in one of the articles. When we had our fiftieth anniversary a couple of years ago, we invited former members and ministers to write some stories about their time in Yellowknife. A writer for the Observer heard about it and contacted Barb Paquin for more information about the project. I guess that was one of the other ways we have tried to "Stay Connected".



We'll keep adding to this list, and you can help! Just let us know of a resource that has been helpful to you, and we'll put it here, so it can perhaps be of assistance to someone else.

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