Reader Duties The reading of scripture during
worship is an important and much appreciated offering of time and
Scripture passages for the coming
week are usually printed in the announcements on Sunday.
The minister or presider at worship
will contact you on Thursday or Friday to confirm the passages that
will be used in worship on Sunday.
You will be given an opportunity to
prepare introductions giving some context and background for each
reading, or the minister or worship presider will prepare
introductions for you. The preparation of introductions is a very
helpful exercise in knowing more about the passage you will be
reading. However, the choice to give your own introductions or use
those provided to you, is completely up to you.
Please read through the passages
ahead of time and make sure you understand the general sense of the
passage as well as the pronunciation for any words that may be
unfamiliar. You may use whatever translation of the Bible you
prefer, but if you would like some guidance, please contact the
minister or presider.
Please come forward at the
appropriate time in worship (usually following the song after
“Learning with Children”) . Give the introduction and then read
the passage. Please speak clearly into the pulpit microphone.
The Responsive Psalm or Reading will
be led by a member of the choir or some other reader. You may sit on
the chair behind the pulpit while it is being led.
Following each reading, or at the end
of all the readings, you may speak one of the following options:
Hear what the spirit is saying to
the church.
The word of God. (The congregation
will respond: Thanks be to God.)
God give us wisdom and knowledge so
that we may know the truth that is in these words.
Please return to your seat after you
are finished reading.
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Candlelighting Duties
you for offering to be a candlelighter during worship
the candles for worship is one of the ways that younger members of
the congregation can help out.
is a candle lighter in the A/V room. It has a wick in it that can be
lit with a lighter or a match. The flame can be controlled by a
slider which makes the wick longer or shorter. Be careful not to
make the flame too big and be careful that you don't slide the
slider down so far that the flame goes out before you are able to
light the candles.
the announcements at the beginning of the worship service, please
ask an older person to help you to light the candle lighter, and
move to the A/V room beside the pulpit.
the quiet time at the beginning of worship you will be announced as
the candle lighter. Come out of the A/V room with the lit candle
lighter. The minister or worship presider will help you to light the candles on the
communion table. There are two of them.
both candles have been lit, please slide the slider down so that the
flame goes out.
leave the candle lighter in the A/V room and return to your seat.
Opening Host Duties On the Sunday before it's your turn to open, obtain the keys from the CLAM mail slot in the office or from the person who opened the Sunday before you. (Check the sign-up sheet sitting on the table underneath the bulletin board.) On the day you are opening, arrive at the church by 10:15. The following duties may have already been done, but please check. - Lights are on in the coat room.
- Doors for upstairs classrooms are unlocked.
- Doors for downstairs rooms are open (choir room, nursery, Sunday School supply room, Audio/Video Room - the little room connected to the auditorium, office/photocopy room, kitchen, and the kitchen storage room - the last room on the left side of the kitchen).
- Lights on in the kitchen. The switch is located on the right side of the kitchen above the dishwasher.
- Lights on in the sanctuary. (We usually don’t have all the lights on for worship. The switches to use are marked with a green dot, while the switch that we don’t use is marked with a red dot. Most of the switches are behind the piano. There is also a set of switches just inside the main doors to the auditorium. These are also marked. One switch is backwards, so the green dot is below the switch. In addition, the other switch which controls the “west pot lights” (under the balcony) is quite difficult to get working, so please don’t worry if you can’t get these lights to come on or stay on!)
- The stage is usually set up but if something is missing, check in the storage room behind the curtain. (There should be a pulpit, communion table, baptismal font & two chairs / four chairs if it is Communion Sunday.)
Most often, these are the duties that need to be done by the Opening Host.
- Place the banner on the communion table. It is located on the shelf of the communion table. Place the two white candles on either side of the communion table. The candles are in the A/V room. The large bible is to be opened and faces the congregation. Place the offering plates on either side of the communion table. The offering plates might be on the shelf of the communion table or on the desk in the office.. Put the Peace Candle and a small candle to light it on the communion table. The Peace Candle and lighting candle are stored on the shelf at the back of the pulpit.
- Put the microphone on the floor stand in front of the pulpit for announcements. Turn the sound system power on in the A/V room. Instructions for turning on the sound system are on the front of the sound system.
- Prepare the candle lighting apparatus which is in the A/V room. The wick should be sticking out about 2 cm and matches or a lighter should be available.
- Set up the piano by removing the cover and putting it in the A/V room. Move the piano away from the wall about 2 feet.
- If not already in place, obtain a small table from the kitchen and cover it with the green tablecloth from Tanzania, visitors sign in book, Canadian Tire money milk can, copies of the Mandate magazine, and any other items that may be on the hymn book cart and should be placed on the table. All of the other aforementioned items will be on the hymn book cart or in the A/V room
- Obtain the refreshment trolleys from the kitchen storage room (the last door on the left). Juice crystals, coffee, filters, stir sticks, tea bags, sugar & whitener are on the shelf in that room. Tea pots and coffee carafes (if not on the trolley) are in the cupboard below the coffee maker. Switch the coffee maker on. If the light doesn't turn on, then plug it in!! Run a pot of water through the coffee maker first to ensure the water reservoir is full. Put juice in the fridge or make the juice. Juice jugs are in the cupboard to the left of the sink.
- Make a pot of decaffeinated coffee and a pot of regular coffee and fill the carafes. Boil the tea kettle so that it will be warm after worship so that tea can be made quickly.
- Turn the dishwasher on so the water will be hot after church.
That's all for now.
- At 11:45, return to the kitchen and re-boil the kettle for tea. Plug in the kettle using the outlet by the microwave. Do not use the outlet that the coffee maker is plugged into or the breaker will blow. If you need to turn the breaker back on, it is on the left side of the kitchen across from the microwave) Make one pot of tea. Extra cups and glasses are in the cupboard above the sink.
- Roll the trolleys out after church is over.
- Pass the key to the next person on the sign- up sheet or return it to the CLAM mail slot in the office
Thanks for supporting the life and work of our church.
Closing Host Duties
Wash dishes, using the dishwasher,
air dry for a few minutes and put back on the trolley in the locked
kitchen pantry room. If there are dishes from Communion, wash them
by hand. Please leave the kitchen clean and tidy. Put used bulletins (which the
greeter should have placed on top of the hymn book cart) into the
"recycle" box by the photocopier in the outer office. Tidy
the top of the hymn book rack, leaving the red binder for counting
the attendance, the guest book, any pertinent pamphlets or copies of
Mandate Magazine etc. and the tablecloth for the table (which is
beside the piano during worship). Neatly store any other items that
were on the table and which we use weekly or will use the following
week. eg Canadian Tire can, boxes of envelopes, donation receipt
envelopes etc.
Turn the sound system off.
Carefully loop the microphone cords and hang on the metal hanger in
the A/V room. Store the microphones on the shelf beside the CD
player. Leave the podium cord connected to the microphone on the
pulpit. Disconnect the cord at the first extension connector cord.
Store the remaining pulpit microphone cord on a shelf under the
pulpit. Loop the connecting cord and hang it with the other
microphone cords on the metal hanger in the A/V room.
Store the altar candles on the
bookcase in the A/V room. Store the Peace Candle under the pulpit.
Store the altar Bible on the top
shelf at the back of the communion table. Store the Bible closed.
Fold and store the plastic table
cover under the communion table.
Fold or roll the quilted communion
table cover and place it on the bottom shelf of the communion table.
Empty water from the baptism font
if there has been baptism.
Roll the piano back to the wall.
If present, store the piano lamp in the A/V room on the shelf with
the candles. Place the piano cover on the piano with the United
Church crest facing out.
Check that the bathrooms are
reasonably tidy.
Turn the dishwasher off so that
the water drains out of it. Unplug the coffeemaker.
Turn out the lights and lock the
auditorium door if you have a key. If you do not have a key please
let the security guard know that you have finished and are ready to
leave the building so that he/she can come and lock up. The security
guard's office is in the Northern United Place apartment lobby. You
can see the office through the door beside the stairwell in the main
Leave our place of worship and
service ready to go into your week knowing that God blesses you!
Please arrive between 10:15 am and
10:30 am
Please wear a name tag.
Ensure the offering plates
are placed on the steps in front of the communion table
If you are alone, please ask someone to help you
collect and present the offering.
Place the guest book and
magazines on the side table.
Put the bulletin in the
hymn book, leaving it sticking out so that it can seen. . In addition, using about ten (10) of the “Large
Print - Words Only” hymn books, please look up the hymn/song
that is used after “Learning with Children” and stack the open books on the steps in front of the pulpit for
use by the children.
Welcome those coming to
church and hand out the hymn books and bulletins.
Just prior to the beginning of worship move the hymn book cart
into the auditorium. Leave a
few hymn books with bulletins including inserts for late arrivers.
Choose a seat near the
door, control access, and encourage late arrivers and others NOT to
cross in front of the congregation.
your helper, receive and present the offering by bringing it from the
back of the auditorium to the communion table at the front. Remain
standing at the front until the Doxology (music) is finished. Place the
offering on the communion table or on the steps in front of the
communion table. You should discuss placement with your partner before
it happens.
After the service, put away
the hymn books, stack any returned bulletins on top of the cart and then return the cart to the audio visual room beside
the auditorium.
Thank you for your participation.
Setup for Communion (First Sunday of the Month –
September - June)
at the church by 10:30. Ensure servers are aware of the routine,
they can meet with you for a few minutes.
the key for the Kitchen Communion Cupboard from the choir
room bulletin board.
the white communion tablecloth on the communion table and cover with
the plastic cover, and place the communion candles on the plastic.
The big bible is stored under the table.
two extra chairs (four total) behind the Communion Table and place
hymn books under these chairs..
a kitchen trolley at the back of the church. Cover it with a table
cloth and set out the communion dishes and elements. (Bread and rice
crackers on plate, grape juice in pitcher, goblet, 2 bowls, extra
plate). The grape juice is kept in the church storage cupboard in
the kitchen. The communion bread should have been provided by one of
the communion bread bakers.
after the service remove the communion dishes from the Communion
Table so they don’t get broken.
up the bread and transfer the remaining elements to a regular plate
and pitcher, and add them to the coffee trolley.
the communion dishes. Put the tablecloths and plastic and dishes
back in the Communion Cupboard and lock it. Return the key to the
choir room bulletin board.
Communion Servers Procedure.
servers go to the back of the church during the offering. Following the offering takers, they
bring the elements and the dishes to the front and place them on the
Communion Table, and then sit on chairs behind the communion table.
They should bring their bulletin, hymn book and communion booklet with them.
communion presider will give each pair of servers a plate of bread
and a bowl of juice. The servers will serve the choir first, then
the congregation.
serving the congregation, the servers will serve each other –
one set of servers should place the bread and juice back on the
communion table. The servers will serve each other in turn. Following this the plate with bread and the
bowl with juice are returned to the communion table.
to your seats behind the communion table. You may return to your
seats during the singing of the final hymn.