Introduction to the Liturgy of the Palms
Today is Sunday of ups and downs. I remember when I was a child that Palm Sunday was kind of a big deal. It was probably the excitement of getting something – a palm branch or palm cross and the added excitement of a parade of some kind, mixed with the excitement of the people in Jerusalem as described by the gospels – shouting Hosanna in hopeful expectation that their lives were going to change. I don't know when Palm Sunday became Palm and Passion Sunday, but over the years I've come to believe that it is absolutely necessary to consider both aspects on this day. The Palm Sunday parade and celebration would be a hollow, inappropriate expression of joy – not in tune with what follows it in the story of Jesus – if we only celebrated – just like the people of Jerusalem. For you see the real story is not about a triumphal entry into Jerusalem it's about what happened in the space of a few days. So, here is how Matthew describes the beginning of this story. Let this be a reflective time of introduction to the whole story that will be told in worship today.