Affirming Ministry

Becoming an Affirming Ministry

On June 10, 2012, after a couple of years of study, planning and preparation, the congregation of Yellowknife United Church made a decision to proceed with plans to become an affirming ministry.

On November 17, 2013 we celebrated our acceptance as an “Affirming Ministry”. This designation came about because of the work of the Affirm Study Group and the congregation of Yellowknife United Church. Part of the work required in becoming an Affirming Ministry was a new vision statement and action plan, designating our dedication to continue in our ministry with the people of Yellowknife to be one which is radically welcoming and of everyone, including people of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and queer sexual orientation.

We had good media response for this step in our journey. A feature article was included in the “yellowknifer” – the local newspaper, and the designation was mentioned on several occasions during the local CBC newscasts on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday November 15-18. In addition, we had a live interview on the local Friday afternoon show and a reporter who covered a portion of the recognition service and did some interviews and published a story on the CBC North website. Copies of the media stories are available here:

For more information on what an affirming ministry is, please check out the Affirm United website.